Building Blocks of Science 3D
Building Blocks of Science | 3DBuilding Blocks of Science | 3D

Why Building Blocks of Science?


Building Blocks of Science 3D

New answers to your question “What did you do in school today?”

Welcome to Building Blocks of Science 3D—the science program that brings excitement, collaboration, and problem-solving skills into the classroom. When your child is using Building Blocks of Science 3D, you’ll hear about science class every day!

With Building Blocks of Science 3D, your child will:

  • Actively investigate real-world phenomena
  • Write and read about science
  • Work collaboratively to build 21st century skills for tomorrow
  • Work like a scientist and engineer
  • Engage everyone in your household with quick take-home science activities
Building Blocks of Science 3D prepares your student for tomorrow

The new science standards will prepare today’s students for their future—a future where STEM jobs abound, teamwork and collaboration are critical, and the ability to explain your thinking to others is necessary for success.

The Building Blocks of Science approach prepares K–5 learners by providing a foundation of hands-on investigation supported with powerful digital and print-based learning. This program is designed to engage and excite students. As they learn science, they learn to work like scientists and engineers.  

Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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