Building Blocks of Science 3D
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Why Building Blocks of Science?



Student Testimonials

“I think the experiments we do are super fun. My favorite part about Energy Works was the ramp race we did with the ping pong ball and the little marble.”

4th Grade Student

“What I loved about Energy Works is potential energy and Kinetic energy. Also, I loved using the ping pong balls, the marbles, and taking notes. I really learned a lot! It was fun, but I learned things at the same time.”

4th Grade Student

“I think learning about energy was one of the most fun things I’ve done all year. We learned about potential and Kinetic energy. We also learned about electrical, solar, chemical, radiant, thermal, and mechanical energy.”

4th Grade Student

“What I liked about this was me and my group did different things, like straight, curve, and tilted.”

4th Grade Student

“Do I like this science kit? I don’t like it, I LOVE it! I liked it because it was an outstanding energy unit! The marbles was my favorite part. I really enjoyed everything else in the energy kit!”

4th Grade Student

Teacher Testimonials

“The final design project definitely stretched their skills and allowed me to delve into the engineering design process of design, build, test, analyze, redesign.”

Elementary Teacher

“The entire 4th grade was all super engaged during all of the lessons, as was I! Students who struggle in other subjects are able to feel successful with these lessons which are easy to differentiate.”

Elementary Teacher

“My students LOVED the dissection portion. They very excitedly told their parents about it. I even had an older brother stop by and ask if he could attend my class when I do the next one.”

Elementary Teacher

“I love that the directions are so clear. I would have no issue leaving them with a sub and know that Science can be taught if I am absent.”

Elementary Teacher

“I thought to myself, I will try this, will probably hate it as has been the case with other previews. Boy was I wrong. I love this curriculum!”

Elementary Teacher

“The kids really liked all the hands-on activities and I felt the material was appropriate for our age level.”

Elementary Teacher

“Students loved creating models to try and stop erosion! They spent a lot of time at home discussing their ideas with peers and parents. We spent two weeks designing and testing just two models. They then communicated what worked and what didn't with their peers to come up with a common understanding of what materials and designs led to successful erosion control.”

Science Coach

“The students loved the squid dissection. They really liked the hands-on activities. I had a severely autistic girl who has a one-on-one aid who would raise her hand to answer questions and participate in activities.”

Elementary Teacher

“LOVED the squid dissections. Loved the sensory activity with the candies and chips. Loved the content in general. I was age appropriate and engaging. I feel that the students really left with a strong understanding of plant and animal structures. I enjoyed the aesthetics of the curriculum itself. It caters to the students and I found the binder to be more easily navigated than other kits for sure.”

Elementary Teacher

“The students really learned about waves and energy. They really learned the parts of the wave and enjoyed learning big words like Amplitude! They LOVED the solar cell and closed-circuit lesson.”

STEM Coach

“The final design project definitely stretched their skills and allowed me to delve into the Engineering design process of Design, Build, Test, Analyze, Re-Design.”

Elementary Teacher

“Yes, as a matter fact, I am the coolest teacher in my school! Just sayin'. All of my 4th/5th grade students were engaged in participating and loved his hand on morning! Thanks for making investigative learning fun and the kits teacher friendly.”

Elementary Teacher

Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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