Building Blocks of Science | 3D
Building Blocks of Science | 3DBuilding Blocks of Science | 3D

K–2 Professional Development in 3D Learning and Assessment for Louisiana Science Educators

Building Blocks of Science 3D for Louisiana
Join us for a 2-day exploration of how Building Blocks of Science’s 3D learning and assessment can support Louisiana’s K–2 Student Standards for Science. Only $99.95!
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Building Blocks of Science 3D offers the only all-inclusive solution for engaging three-dimensional learning for Grades K–2, as called for by Louisiana’s Student Standards for Science.
In this comprehensive 2-day Building Blocks of Science 3D workshop you’ll: 
  • Learn how our 30-minute lessons support science, engineering, ELA and math
  • See how the program blends digital resources and hands-on experiences to deliver engaging, phenomena-based science instruction
  • Leave with a Teacher Resource Packet to get you started in your classroom
Building Blocks of Science 3D workshopBuilding Blocks of Science 3D workshop

Who: Teachers, Coaches, and Administrators

Cost: $99.95

When: October 16, 2019, 8:30 AM–3:30 PM and October 17, 2019, 8:30 AM–12:30 PM

Where: Claiborne Building
1201 N. 3rd Street
Baton Rouge, LA

Day 1

Actively engage with lessons anchored in phenomena and hands-on investigations to learn how Building Blocks of Science 3D supports K–2 teachers as they implement 3D learning and assessment in their busy day.

Day 2

Explore how integrating engineering, literacy, and math provides multiple opportunities for students to engage in 3D learning. See how phenomena-based lessons relate to the real world and weave science and engineering design into lessons that take students from defining problems to designing solutions.

Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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Building Blocks of Science | 3D

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