Exemplary Kindergarten Science
Instruction Written for NGSS

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  • New STC™ Program
  • Smithsonian Science
    Education Center

  • Kindergarten Units

Engaging guided inquiry for the
Next Generation

The Smithsonian's new Science and Technology Concepts (STC™) Kindergarten Program sets young students up for future success in STEM subjects and careers.

Each lesson investigation takes only 15-20 minutes, helping you fit science into your busy day.

Inquiry-based learning for Kindergarten that meets Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core State Standards

The Smithsonian Science Education Center is proud to publish the first 3 kindergarten units from their upcoming My Generation Program.

It is the only program of its kind to offer inquiry-based science lessons created specifically to meet the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Units cover subjects vital for Kindergarten students to master

Life Science:
Exploring Plants and Animals

Earth Science:
Exploring My Weather

Physical Science:
Exploring Forces and Motion

Want More Information?

Learn more about these units and why the STC Program™ is in a class of its own. Fill out the form below and download your whitepaper today!
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When do you plan to implement new science materials in your classroom?
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