Exemplary Kindergarten Science
Instruction from the
Smithsonian Institution

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  • New STC™ Program
  • Smithsonian Science
    Education Center

  • Kindergarten Units

Teaching hands-on STEM subjects is more manageable than ever

No time for science? The new Science and Technology
Concepts (STC™) Kindergarten Program makes teaching hands-on STEM subjects manageable.

Each lesson investigation takes only 15-20 minutes, helping you fit science into your busy day.

Encourage critical thought and introduce important science concepts to your students!

The Smithsonian Science Education Center is proud to publish the first 3 kindergarten units from their upcoming My Generation Program.

Each unit includes integrated engineering lessons and meaningful science investigations relevant to children's daily lives.

STC™ will prepare your young students for future success in STEM fields!

Units cover subjects vital for Kindergarten students to master

Life Science:
Exploring Plants and Animals

Earth Science:
Exploring My Weather

Physical Science:
Exploring Forces and Motion

Want to Learn More?

Learn more about these units and why the STC Program™ is in a class of its own. Fill out the form below and download your whitepaper today!
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*I am looking for hands-on science solutions for my:
When do you plan to implement new science materials in your classroom?
*Required information.